Friday, November 03, 2006


I have recently been reading a book by Mike Francen. This is a man who has a passion for the unreached souls of the world. He has been in over 50 nations of the world doing crusades and has started a program called "Wells of Life" - a program where he funds the building of a well in a community that has no water and builds a church so people may hear about the love of God.

The book is called "A Passion for Souls", and it has inspired me so much, I wanted to share an exerpt with you all:

"About 1 million people in the world die each week without Christ. Does this mean anything to you? Have we a pain in our heart for perishing men and women? Are you haunted day and night with the thought that millions are perishing on every side, that multitudes are going down to the regions of despair, without one ray of hope?

When a man has been endued with power from on high, he will have a passion for souls. Boast no more of your annointing if you love not souls.

The burden for souls- how it has charectorized God's annointed ones throughout the centuries! We must be persuaded that apart from the salvation of souls, the church has no grounds for her existence.

Where is your heart man or woman of God? Preachers who should be fishing for men are to often fishing for compliments from men. Where is your heart?

According to Christ, we have one mission: to save souls. Yet they perish! Think of them- hundreds of millions, one thousand million eternal souls that need Christ!

It is the passion of Paul,"Woe is me if I preach not the Gospel." It is the anguished cry of Jesus as He weeps over a doomed city," O Jerusalem, how oft would I have gathered thee." Evangelism is the cry of Knox,"Give me Scotland or I die", and of Wesley," The world is my parish." Evangelism is Henry Martyn landing on the shores of India and crying," Here let me burn out for God!" It is David Brainerd coughing up the blood of his tubercular lungs as he prays in the snow for the Indians. It is George Whitefield crossing the Atlantic thirteen times in a small boat to preach in the American Colonies.

Our goal is nothing less than the penetration of the whole world with the Gospel message. Gods will is summed up in one powerful scripture: " The Lord is not willing that any should perish" (2 Peter 3:9)"

This is the heart of a passionate soul winner. I can aspire to nothing less! It is in my heart to do my part. I have to be Melissa to this world, and give the message of the Gospel. I have heard it said - we are responsible for our generation, and I believe that to be true. I am responsible for the ones God places in front of me. We are all responsible as ambassidors of Jesus Christ to tell His message to all. This is the purpose of the Church. Without this purpose the Church has no reason to exist. This is what makes our message so different than other religions. Salvation and eternal life, hope and peace, no need to big, and a God that backs up his message EVERY time!!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Aimee Semple Mcpherson

Aimee Semple Mcphereson is an inspiration to me. I have read about her life many times. I am particularly fond of her passion to her calling. She paved the way for many women evangelists,
and for that I thank her. She has been a personal inspiration to me.

A great quote I love from her:
"You don't need to be an orator. What God wants is plain people with the Good News in their hearts who are willing to go and tell it to others. The love of winning souls for Jesus Christ sets a fire burning in one's bones. Soul winning is the most important thing in the world. All I have is on the altar for the Lord, and while I have my life and strength, I will put my whole being into the carrying out of this Great Commission."

This information was taken from the Foresquare Churches website:,3.html

The early 20th century evangelist, Aimee Semple McPherson, was a pioneer of women in religion. Having experienced a profound religious conversion at age 17, Aimee began preaching across the United States and later, the world. In 1918, she established her base in Los Angeles, Calif., where in 1923, the 5,300 seat Angelus Temple was dedicated and became the center of her revival, healing and benevolent ministries. She was the first woman to own and operate a Christian radio station. Her sermons were the first to incorporate the contemporary communications of that day into her preaching of the Gospel. From Angelus Temple she performed an extensive social ministry, providing hot meals for more than 1.5 million people during the Great Depression. She summarized her message into four major points known as "The Foursquare Gospel," and founded a denomination called The Foursquare Church.

Aimee's charismatic personality was a God-given gift used to draw people to hear her message. Her sermons were not the usual "fire and brimestone" messages given by contemporary evangelists, but ones which showed the face of a loving God, with continual outstretched arms. It was a message about heaven, as a place you wanted to be, and serving Jesus, as the only life that offered true fulfilment.

With Aimee, all were called and all were welcomed. God was no respecter of persons and neither was Aimee. She evangelized when segregation was rampant in the South. Although she invited all to come to her meetings, often times she would go to the "black" parts of town and hold meetings after the main meeting was over. She broke down racial barriers such that one time at Angelus Temple, some Klu Klux Klan members were in attendance, but after the service, many of their hoods and robes were found thrown on the ground in nearby Echo Park. She is also credited with helping many of the Hispanic ministries in Los Angeles get started, and there was even a great Gypsy following, after the wife of a Gypsy chief and the chief himself had been healed in a Denver revival meeting. With Aimee Semple McPherson there was no color, ethnic, or status separation line.

While holding a revival meeting in San Francisco in April 1922, Aimee became the first woman to preach a sermon over the radio. Being intrigued with the possibilities of this medium, Aimee purchased a radio station herself, thus making her the first woman to possess a radio license and operate a station.

Aimee was famous inside and outside the church. Every city where services were held usually had in attendance civic leaders, as well as pastors representing the local churches of every denomination. She made sure that Angelus Temple was represented in local parades and entered floats into the famous Rose Parade in Pasadena. Her illustrated sermons attracted even those from the entertainment industry, looking to see a "show" that rivaled what Hollywood had to offer. These famous stage productions drew people who would never have thought to enter a church, and then presented them with the message of salvation. Aimee believed that the Gospel was to be presented at every opportunity and used worldly means at her disposal to present the Gospel to as many people as possible.

She was a woman in a man's world, and single at a time when women her age were suppose to be married. But she was willing to go, when God called, and was not limited by what she saw, but believed in the God who called her to fulfill the greatest call of all--the winning of souls.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Our Trip to the pumpkin patch....

Corrinne and Carter striking a pose!!!

Heres Carter Striking a pumpkin pose

A Little brother and sisterly love

Ummmm is that a GHHOSSTTTT!!!! nope thats just Beth whewww

Happy Halloween!!!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Ode to Anonymous...

To all of the anonymous supporters of my blog, I would like to say thank you!! You anonymous readers are the reason I blog, and I love you!!!

This poem is for you:

Anonymous, anonymous you make my day,
Anonymous, anonymous hip hip hoorayy

Seattle is nice, Seattle is grand,
I love art school hippy's that play in a band

Busy creating with wood and pegs,
That doesn't give reason to not shave your legs

Snarky, warky, parky, and fliss,
All are words that do not exist

Anonymous, anonymous bless you when you sneeze,
Anonymous, anonymous I think you like cheese?????

Anonymous, anonymous you make my day,
Anonymous, anonymous hip hip hoorayy

I hope that you enjoy this post as much as I have. Remember to show love to your fellow brother or sister today, because you can never show to much love.

Monday, October 16, 2006

John Alexander Dowie (1847-1907)

John Alexander Dowie shook the world at the turn of the century with his passion for truth and zeal for the work of the Spirit. He brought to the forefront divine healing and repentance by shaking up a complacent Church and slaking the thirst of a parched society. He is known as the Healing Apostle of the late 19th century. Untold millions came to a revelation of Christ and the living power of the Holy Spirit through his deep conviction, unwavering faith and expansive vision. Against hypocritical, opposing clergy, fierce slanderous tabloids, murderous mobs, and relentless city officials, Dr. Dowie wore his apostolic calling as a crown from God, and his persecution as a badge of honor. Dowie was a force to be reckoned with.

In 1875, Dowie began pastoring a much larger group of believers in a suburb of Sydney called Newton. While in Newton, a disastrous plague ravaged the area and filled the inhabitants with terror. Within weeks of his arrival, Dowie presided over forty funerals within his congregation alone. As Dowie agonized over his inability to help his congregation, God began to reveal to him the meaning of Acts 10:38 - " God annointed Jesus of Nazareth with His Holy Spirit and power, and how He went about doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with Him...."

It was on one such night that he heard a loud knock at his door. Two messengers had come bidding him to pray for a girl named Mary who was dying. Dowie rushed to her house and when he arrived he found her lying there, grinding her teeth and groaning in agony. Something in him at that moment snapped and he began to cry out to God. Suddenly she lay still. When asked if she was dead, he replied, “No…she will live. The fever is gone.” From that point the plague in Newton had lost its power. Not one member of his congregation died from the epidemic from that point forward and Dowie’s healing ministry began.

In 1888, Dowie felt led to travel through America and Europe and in June of that year he did. Upon the news of his arrival to the States, people came in droves from all parts of California for healing. Soon healing crusades ran up and down the California coast. Dowie started a chain of “Healing Homes”. These houses were not advertised as hospitals, hotels, or meeting places. They were simply a place where the sick and hopeless could come and lodge and be taught on healing.

The results were astounding: the lame walked, blind eyes were opened, deaf ears were opened, and cancer disappeared. Despite the results, the newspapers described them as: private lunatic asylums and accused of only wanting monetary gain. He was portrayed as a fraud, but to their disappointment this only served to draw more people to Dowie’s ministry. In 1895, he was arrested one hundred times for practicing medicine without a license, but each time the sentence was reversed.

In January of 1900, Dowie unveiled his plans to build a city called Zion outside of Chicago. It would be a “moral utopia” and it consumed him until his final days. Within two years ten thousand people inhabited this “paradise”. While Dowie’s dream of a Chriatian “Utopia” eventually failed, out of its gates came great spiritual leaders such as F.F. Bosworth, John G. Lake, Raymond T. Richey, and Gorgon Lindsay.

Although he lost his passion and purpose later in his ministry, Dowie was the first major ministry to bring a widespread consciousness of healing to America. He was the forerunner of many more to come!!

Remember Your Leaders.....

Hebrews 13:7
"Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their life"

Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever"

It is important to remember those that have gone before us. Many men and women have paid the price and learned hard lessons. It is a priceless thing to be able to learn from others victories and defeats. As I have been looking into the lives of past evangelists and missionaries one thing rings true, the comission of Jesus has not changed. Each person took us as far as they could with their shortcomings, but each took us a step further.

It is my hope that as I begin posting about these past ministers, you will learn from their success and failures. Each of them had a dream and a passion, we to have a dream and a passion. They were not perfect people, but they made a difference that has shaped our lives.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Stay Tuned!!!

Hey all you readers of my blog!!! Stay tuned for the next few weeks!! I will be doing some profiles of some of the old time evangelists and ministers that have inspired me. I hope you enjoy the next few entries. They will be intended to remind and stir us up in all the things we can accomplish through God!!!

Friday, September 29, 2006

End of the Spear

Mincayani (Louie Leonardo) is born into the most violent society ever documented by anthropologists, the Waodani in the eastern rainforest of Ecuador. As he grows he learns what every Waodani understands, he must spear and live or be speared and die. Mincayani's world changes when he and his family kill five missionaries, Nate Saint (Chad Allen), Jim Elliot (Sean McGowan), Ed McCully (Stephen Caudill), Pete Fleming (Matt Lutz) and Roger Youderian (Patrick Zeller). This incident propels Mincayani's family group down an extraordinary path that culminates in them not only departing from violence, but also caring for the enemy tribe they had once violently raided.

I had the honor of seeing this film last night. I wanted to share this with you all. If you have not watched this film - you must see it. It depicts missionarys paving the way of the gospel through their death so that many would come to God.

There are many things that are specifically done in this movie to make a point. These men cared about this tribe of people who were killing each other. Not just because of the endless deaths, but deaths with out knowing about a Savior.

In one part Nate Saints son asks him - " Dad if they try to kill you will you shoot them?" he responds something like " Son I can't kill them, they don't know about heaven". This was a man who really lived by a passion for the Gospel. I know we can all learn from a passion like that. The movie showes that in their death the Waodani saw more than just men dyeing that day. They were given a chance to see God. This changed the whole future of the Waodani.

If you have not seen this movie, this is a must see.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


This next entry is dedicated to my friend who is a missionary to Haiti - Grace and her husband Troy. This was an entry of a letter she wrote to me recently. Her eloquent writing could not express the true heart of a missionary any better:

"I spent yesterday floating on a gorgeous tropical beach on the Caribbean Ocean. The water was warm, the sky was a crazy shade of blue, the clouds were white and puffy. When I got hungry a table was brought out for me to sit at right on the beach and for $50.00 Haitian dollars which is only around $7.00 U.S. a fabulous meal of Lobster and fried bananas was served. Not one large dry lobster, but three or four smaller, juicy, succulent lobsters a piece. It was paradise.

That is what you remind yourself you were just doing when you are bathing in a bucket of less than perfect water or going to the bathroom on top of someone else’s stuff. Then you tell yourself that it is all meaningless, good and bad, compared to being there just after the bus full of people crashes and you are able to speed people to the hospital because you were at the right place at the right time and you have enough money to pay for the doctoring!

The hand reached out in prayer, the heart reaching out to God. The good, the bad and the ugly can’t compare in severity or worth, because eternity is what really matters and all this other stuff is just experience on the way to really living. God always makes up for the dead rat parts the cat brings in and leaves for you to find on the kitchen floor with your morning coffee (if there is electricity for the coffee to be made) with a fabulous day at the beach or the waterfall.
He knows how to take care of you. Trust him, and don’t allow yourself to major on the minors because there is so much to miss if you do that. That is what I have learned since I’ve been here. I hope you find it useful. It is universal information, and seems to be easily translated right out of this world and back into that one.

This all boils down to everyday living. This Zoe life isn’t something we put on because it’s time to minister as if its something we don at certain times. Its all day every day in the least of these my moments of living. All the principles apply, all translate. The fruit of the spirit are for every moment grand and mundane alike. We should be exercising them at all times with all people no exceptions for familiarity or anything else. Put on your armor and battle like you must, but realize that it is for every day living as much as it is for ministry and nothing will be able to stop you. "

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Okay so a lot of things have happened the last few weeks. I am not really sure what to write about, but I feel the need to write something for my adoring fans.

Life is the thing I have been thinking about lately. I recently had to attend a funeral for a guy that I knew growing up. We weren’t close, but I do know the family pretty well. This was the "mean" one growing up. It is weird how adulthood can change your perspective. This guy over all was a nice guy, but had a reputation to be nasty when he felt if was needed. He has 2 beautiful kids who really loved their dad. So, I can't tell you what happened, accidental overdose was the latest known cause.

Its a really awful thing to be a part of a funeral for a 31 year old guy with 2 children who really have no idea their dads not coming home. I was asked to sing for his funeral. I sang, " I can only Imagine" by Mercy Me. Its a song to imagine what it would be like to meet Jesus, how one might respond...but at 31...I can't imagine. Although we weren’t close, I can say it still impacted me. It was sad.

I came home to watch Steve Irwin's funeral. I know, I don't know him but I really think that’s sad too. He was such a captivating person. I watched his wife holding back her tears the best she could, as his friends and family said goodbye. There was a large zoo filled with people, grieving for him. I couldn't help but wonder if he knew God. I really have no way of knowing. I never had the chance to ask either one of these people, yet I am faced with the thought.
Life is short, and precious. We have a little time, no one knows how much to make a difference. This week reminds me of that in a big way.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Life is a highway....I'm gonna ride it

For all you interested people out there, reading my blog. I really think there might just be like 1 or 2 of you. Thats okay, the size of the audience makes no difference to me. I'll blog anyway just for you.

So I am heading out on Saturday. I'll be making a stop to meet up with Marc on Sunday in Alabama. I have not seen my family in Alabama in awhile. After that it is smooth sailing to OOOOOOOOklahoma. Tulsa that is, swimming pools and movie stars.....oh wait thats California. Anyway, thats my update.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Lifes Lessons

This week I turned 29 on August 23, 2006. Happy Birthday to me!!! So every year when I get a little older it makes me think about stuff. There are some pretty big changes going on for me lately, so that always helps!!
So a few things I have learned:
Your never going to please everyone - the important thing is to follow your heart and do what you know you have to do. God talks to all of us, He will always talk to you about you. How do you hear God? Ask Him, then get quiet and patiently wait for the answers. God has never made me wait too long.

A good leader tells people how important they are often. A great leader grooms people to take their role so they can go higher.

People never really appreciate everything about you until they are forced to.
It is important to surround yourself with many kinds of people. Different personalities bring out different sides of you.

Your gifts and talents really do make room for you – like the Bible says.

You need to live by your passions. Passion should be the thing that drives you, and guides your decisions. You need passionate people in your life. You also need people that recognize your passion and push you towards it. These people are truly your friends.

To all of the people in my life that have made me who I am, I appreciate you!! Of course all of them may not read this, but that doesn’t make it any less sincere.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Change is in the Wind - Part 2

Okay - so heres the scoop .....It has been a long time in process..through alot of prayer and soul searching I am moving to Oklahoma. This requires me to step down from the current position I hold as an Associate Pastor here in Florida. I have enjoyed this time here in Florida, and I have learned so much from this experiance.

Soo what will I be doing???? Well I will be working with Chapter 29 Missions Orginazation ( I am really excited to be able to work with a ministry that has a primary vision of reaching people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

This is the begining of a new journey for me. I am excited!!!!

Alice Baily Writing

I found this excerpt from a book online and I liked it so I'm sharing it with you all - Thought Provoking maybe??? Author is Alice Baily - I have never heard of her before now - apparantly she is controversial - But I liked this so here ya go. I do enjoy finding women who can express their thoughts about God in an intellegent way. So enjoy.......

Here is a link about her:

From Bethlehem to Calvary - Chapter One - Introductory Remarks on Initiation

Introductory Remarks on Initiation

"There is a human desire for God; but there is also a Divine desire for man. God is the supreme idea, the supreme concern and the supreme desire of man. Man is the supreme idea, the supreme concern and the supreme desire of God. The problem of God is a human problem. The problem of man is a Divine problem... Man is the counterpart of God and His beloved from whom He expects the return of love. Man is the other person of the Divine mystery. God needs man. It is God's will not only that He should Himself exist, but man also, the Lover and beloved."
- Wrestlers with Christ, by Karl Pfleger, p. 236. [3]

We are in process of passing from one religious age into another. The spiritual trends of today are steadily becoming more defined. The hearts of men have never been more open to spiritual impression than they are at this time, and the door into the very center of reality stands wide open. Paralleling, however, this significant development is a trend in the counter direction, and materialistic philosophies and doctrines of negation are becoming increasingly prevalent. To many, the whole question of the validity of the Christian religion remains to be determined. Claims are made that Christianity has failed and that man does not need the Gospel story with its implications of divinity and its urge to service and sacrifice.
Is the Gospel story historically true? Is it a mystical tale of great beauty and of real teaching value but nevertheless of no vital import to the intelligent men and women of today, who pride themselves on their reasoning powers and upon their independence of ancient mental trammels and of old and dusty traditions? As to the perfection of the portrayed character of Christ there is never any question. The enemies of Christianity admit His uniqueness, His basic profundity and His understanding of the hearts of men. They recognize the intelligence of His ideas and sponsor them in their own philosophies. The developments which the Carpenter of Nazareth brought about in the fabric of human life, His social and economic ideals, and the beauty of the civilization which could be founded upon the ethical teaching of the [4] Sermon on the Mount are frequently emphasized by many who refuse to recognize His mission as an expression of divinity. From the rational point of view, the question as to the historical accuracy of His story remains as yet unsolved, though His teaching upon the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man is endorsed by the best minds of the race. Those who can move in the world of ideas, of faith and of living experience testify to His divinity and to the fact that He can be approached. But such testimony is often passed over lightly as being mystical, futile and incapable of proof. Individual belief is, after all, of no value to anyone except to the believer himself, or as it tends to increase testimony until the total assumes such proportions that it eventually becomes proof. To fall back upon the "way of belief" can be indicative of a living experience, but it can also be a form of self-hypnotism and a "way of escape" from the difficulties and problems of daily life. The effort to understand, to experiment, to experience and to express what is known and believed is frequently too difficult for the majority, and they then fall back upon a belief which is based upon the testimony of the trusted, as the easiest way out of the impasse.
The problem of religion and the problem of orthodox Christianity are not one and the same thing. Much that we see around us today of unbelief and criticism, and the negation of our so-called truths, is based upon the fact that religion has been largely superseded by creed, and doctrine has taken the place of living experience. It is this living experience which is the keynote of this book.
Perhaps another reason why humanity at this time believes so little, or questions so unhappily what is believed, may be the fact that theologians have attempted to lift Christianity out of its place in the scheme of things and have overlooked its position in the great continuity of divine revelation. They have endeavored to emphasize its uniqueness, and to regard it as an isolated and entirely separated expression of spiritual religion. They thereby destroy its background, remove its foundations, and make it difficult for the steadily developing [5] mind of man to accept its presentation. Yet St. Augustine tells us that "that which is called the Christian religion existed among the ancients, and never did not exist from the beginning of the human race until Christ came in the flesh, at which time the true religion, which already existed, began to be called Christianity." (Quoted by W. Kingsland in Religion in the Light of Theosophy) The Wisdom which expresses relationship to God, the rules of the road which guide our wandering footsteps back to the Father's home, and the teaching which brings revelation have ever been the same, down the ages, and are identical with that which Christ taught. This body of inner truths and this wealth of divine knowledge have existed since time immemorial. It is the truth which Christ revealed; but He did more than this. He revealed in Himself and through His life history what this wisdom and knowledge could do for man. He demonstrated in Himself the full expression of divinity, and then enjoined upon His disciples that they should go and do likewise.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Change is in the Wind

So, its been awhile since I left a real live Melissa comment. Lots of things are on the horizon for me. Change I find is a good thing. Changing directions allows you to gain perspective on the direction your changing from.

In some respects I have found that a life direction can define you as a person. This is not always a bad thing. A long-standing job position defines you as a stable person. It can also define you as a person who is afraid to move out to a step of faith into the unknown. All depends on your perspective really.

I am just babbling right now, but this is something I have been thinking about a lot lately. Jumping out into the unknown - unknown expectations and outcomes to me is one of the most exciting opportunities God offers us. Its really just up to us to jump.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

The Twins

Noah to my left, Nathaniel to my right. Yes I can tell them apart. My nephews are a couple of cuties.

Morgan and Aunty M - Thats ME!!!

This is me spending quality time with Morgan, my neice.

Monday, March 27, 2006

The Pencil - I love this!!!

Parable of the Pencil
The Pencil Maker took the pencil aside, just before putting it into the box. There are five things you need to know, he told the pencil, before I send you out into the world. Always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best pencil you can be.
[1] You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in someone's hand.
[2] You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, but you'll need it to become a better pencil.
[3] You will be able to correct mistakes you will make.
[4] The most important part of you will always be what's inside.
[5] On every surface you are used on, you must leave your mark. No matter what the condition, you must continue to write.
The pencil understood and promised to remember, and went into the box with purpose in its heart.
Now replacing the place of the pencil with you; always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best person you can be.
[1] You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in God's hand. And allow other human beings to access you for the many gifts you possess.
[2] You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, by going through various problems, but you'll need it to become a stronger person.
[3] You will be able to correct mistakes you might make or grow through them.
[4] The most important part of you will always be what's on the inside.
[5] On every surface you walk, you must leave your mark. No matter what the situation, you must continue to serve God in everything.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Go Light Your World!!

I found a great song that has inspired me. I want to share the lyric's with you. The notion that we have the ability to change the world around us has been around forever. Generation to generation have made the claim that one person can make a difference. Coke did it with their song " Id like to teach the world to live in perfect harmony, I'd like to buy the world a Coke and keep it company". Each of us individually can be the light in the world we live in. You have the power to reach out to someone who is hurting with love, help, caring, and assistance. One person can make the difference in life or death to another. The words we share, the smile we give, the hand we have to offer really can make a diffierence. We are the light of the world the Bible says. That means we have a responsibility to SHINE. Shine like you have never shined before!! Be a light, Share Jesus, Share His love with those around you! Don't hoard what information you know that can change people all around you!! Look over the lyrics of this song and be inspired as I was:

Go Light Your World
Chris Rice
There is a candle in every soul Some brightly burning, some dark and cold There is a Spirit who brings a fire Ignites a candle and makes His home

So carry your candle, run to the darkness Seek out the helpless, confused and torn Hold out your candle for all to see it Take your candle, and go light your world,Take your candle, and go light your world

Frustrated brother, see how he's tried to Light his own candle some other way See now your sister, she's been robbed and lied to Still holds a candle without a flame

So Carry your candle, run to the darkness Seek out the lonely, the tired and worn Hold out your candle for all to see it Take your candle, and go light your world Take your candle, and go light your world Cause

We are a family whose hearts are blazing So let's raise our candles and light up the sky Praying to our Father, in the name of Jesus Make us a beacon in darkest times

So Carry your candle, run to the darkness Seek out the helpless, deceived and poor Hold out your candle for all to see it Take your candle, and go light your world

Carry your candle, run to the darkness Seek out the helpless, confused and torn Hold out your candle for all to see it Take your candle, and go light your world Take your candle, and go light your world Take your candle, and go light your world

Good Friends.....

I havent written in awhile so I thought today is a good day to write something. So here goes........ I was thinking today how great it is to have good friends. Good friends are the ones that take you as you are. Their not trying to change you, but rather enjoy you for what you are and aren't. For every silly thing you say, and every goofy moment as they come. I just wanted to shout out to all of you in my life that appreciate me for who I am. Good friends are hard to come by so I just wanna say thanks for all of you out there that allow me to be me, and seem to enjoy it that way!!

Monday, January 16, 2006

The amazing Week - A long overdue Entry

As most of you know December 3-10th 2005 I embarked on a journey with 4 other people from different parts of the country to The Dominican Republic. We 5 missionaries went with one purpose - To preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The five people being Marc David our fearless leader, Melissa David -me (we are brother and sister), Craig, Beverly,(Both from a church in Arizona called "The Life at Scottsdale") and Cory (From Texas). We went with a ministry called "Chapter 29" ( based out of Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Where do I begin.........During this trip we saw over 150 salvation’s and over 100 notable miracles. During the mornings each day we went to a school to minister to children from grade school ages to high school ages, in the afternoons we spent time going door to door ministering to people in their homes, and in the evenings we went to different churches and ministered. We had the opportunity to minister on the street with a PA system to the street crowd and to minister on the radio. We worked with local churches and interpreters ministering, laying hands on the sick, and working miracles. God was truly given all the glory. The greatest worship we can produce is bringing someone to the place of salvation. Our #1 purpose is the reach the lost at any cost. This is what we did!
I spoke of miracles so I want to testify as to some of the ones I personally had an opportunity to whiteness and work. As I mentioned we went door to door each afternoon. Wednesday afternoon my Brother and I went together. This day a young man was sitting by his home. We approached him and began telling him about Jesus (Preached the Gospel). We went through the story of how Jesus came to die for his sins. He decided to accept Jesus - Miracle #1. We then began to talk to him about healing, you see he had a brace on his knee. We explained the same Jesus that saved him from a future of hell can save him from pain in his knee. His knee was about 3 times the six of the other knee. I laid hands on him and prayed a simple prayer " In the name of Jesus knee be healed, pain go right now!" then we began to walk. He walked up and down his street, the third time up the street he ran up the street and those 2 knees side by side were the same - Miracle #2! All the swelling and pain was gone! That same day another young man heard of the miracle and came to us for prayer, he also had a swollen and pained knee. He first asked Jesus into his heart, then we prayed and then he ran down the road with no pain! That same afternoon we prayed for several people whom were healed because they heard what was happening. This happened every day, and with each team.
When we ministered at the churches the results were the same. Preach the Gospel and expect results. Its that simple! We saw tremendous miracles no matter where we went. Back pain, neck pain, one woman hard of hearing was instantly healed, woman who had throat pain and a weak voice instantly healed, one woman had pain in her body from an accident 15 years before instantly healed.
We had results wherever we went. God was glorified; people were delivered, healed, and saved from sin and destruction. The point here is the Gospel produces results! This work here in the states, in other countries, in your neighborhood, or where ever you are! God is simply looking for someone to step out and believe that He will back them up. I walked away from this stronger, and realizing that the only thing holding back me seeing the works of Christ is me! Jesus said we will do greater works than Him because He had to go away and were still here! All He is waiting for is some people like you and me to step out and go for it!
So now I have told you what happened. You can read this and think wow that’s great it must be so great to go to another country and do that, OR you can be inspired to trust God and go for it right here and now. Prove the reality of what you believe. If we serve a True and Living God that is the same yesterday, today and forever, then why are you not qualified to work a miracle like Paul, Silas, Jesus or Melissa?