Monday, January 16, 2006

The amazing Week - A long overdue Entry

As most of you know December 3-10th 2005 I embarked on a journey with 4 other people from different parts of the country to The Dominican Republic. We 5 missionaries went with one purpose - To preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The five people being Marc David our fearless leader, Melissa David -me (we are brother and sister), Craig, Beverly,(Both from a church in Arizona called "The Life at Scottsdale") and Cory (From Texas). We went with a ministry called "Chapter 29" ( based out of Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Where do I begin.........During this trip we saw over 150 salvation’s and over 100 notable miracles. During the mornings each day we went to a school to minister to children from grade school ages to high school ages, in the afternoons we spent time going door to door ministering to people in their homes, and in the evenings we went to different churches and ministered. We had the opportunity to minister on the street with a PA system to the street crowd and to minister on the radio. We worked with local churches and interpreters ministering, laying hands on the sick, and working miracles. God was truly given all the glory. The greatest worship we can produce is bringing someone to the place of salvation. Our #1 purpose is the reach the lost at any cost. This is what we did!
I spoke of miracles so I want to testify as to some of the ones I personally had an opportunity to whiteness and work. As I mentioned we went door to door each afternoon. Wednesday afternoon my Brother and I went together. This day a young man was sitting by his home. We approached him and began telling him about Jesus (Preached the Gospel). We went through the story of how Jesus came to die for his sins. He decided to accept Jesus - Miracle #1. We then began to talk to him about healing, you see he had a brace on his knee. We explained the same Jesus that saved him from a future of hell can save him from pain in his knee. His knee was about 3 times the six of the other knee. I laid hands on him and prayed a simple prayer " In the name of Jesus knee be healed, pain go right now!" then we began to walk. He walked up and down his street, the third time up the street he ran up the street and those 2 knees side by side were the same - Miracle #2! All the swelling and pain was gone! That same day another young man heard of the miracle and came to us for prayer, he also had a swollen and pained knee. He first asked Jesus into his heart, then we prayed and then he ran down the road with no pain! That same afternoon we prayed for several people whom were healed because they heard what was happening. This happened every day, and with each team.
When we ministered at the churches the results were the same. Preach the Gospel and expect results. Its that simple! We saw tremendous miracles no matter where we went. Back pain, neck pain, one woman hard of hearing was instantly healed, woman who had throat pain and a weak voice instantly healed, one woman had pain in her body from an accident 15 years before instantly healed.
We had results wherever we went. God was glorified; people were delivered, healed, and saved from sin and destruction. The point here is the Gospel produces results! This work here in the states, in other countries, in your neighborhood, or where ever you are! God is simply looking for someone to step out and believe that He will back them up. I walked away from this stronger, and realizing that the only thing holding back me seeing the works of Christ is me! Jesus said we will do greater works than Him because He had to go away and were still here! All He is waiting for is some people like you and me to step out and go for it!
So now I have told you what happened. You can read this and think wow that’s great it must be so great to go to another country and do that, OR you can be inspired to trust God and go for it right here and now. Prove the reality of what you believe. If we serve a True and Living God that is the same yesterday, today and forever, then why are you not qualified to work a miracle like Paul, Silas, Jesus or Melissa?


Marc David said...

Nice post. I should have some DR05 pics up by the end of the week. I have to take Lottie back to Ga. so we will see.

Marc David said...

Freaky dream haver!!

Marc David said...

chack out