Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Okay so a lot of things have happened the last few weeks. I am not really sure what to write about, but I feel the need to write something for my adoring fans.

Life is the thing I have been thinking about lately. I recently had to attend a funeral for a guy that I knew growing up. We weren’t close, but I do know the family pretty well. This was the "mean" one growing up. It is weird how adulthood can change your perspective. This guy over all was a nice guy, but had a reputation to be nasty when he felt if was needed. He has 2 beautiful kids who really loved their dad. So, I can't tell you what happened, accidental overdose was the latest known cause.

Its a really awful thing to be a part of a funeral for a 31 year old guy with 2 children who really have no idea their dads not coming home. I was asked to sing for his funeral. I sang, " I can only Imagine" by Mercy Me. Its a song to imagine what it would be like to meet Jesus, how one might respond...but at 31...I can't imagine. Although we weren’t close, I can say it still impacted me. It was sad.

I came home to watch Steve Irwin's funeral. I know, I don't know him but I really think that’s sad too. He was such a captivating person. I watched his wife holding back her tears the best she could, as his friends and family said goodbye. There was a large zoo filled with people, grieving for him. I couldn't help but wonder if he knew God. I really have no way of knowing. I never had the chance to ask either one of these people, yet I am faced with the thought.
Life is short, and precious. We have a little time, no one knows how much to make a difference. This week reminds me of that in a big way.

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