Saturday, September 22, 2007

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Monday, March 05, 2007

Project Africa

We at Chapter Twentynine have recently become acquainted with an incredible ministry called Project Africa. Justin and Debbie Yoder are a young couple that have dedicated their time to the people of South Africa. They bring teams of young people on short term mission’s trips.

I wanted to share this blog entry from Justin that will not only move your heart, but give you a glimpse of the heart of this ministry and I believe the heart of God:

It was July 2003 and we were in the middle of 5 day youth rally and crusade in Drikesdorp, South Africa. The cool breeze was refreshing as it blew across my face. To the south I could see a large mountain that seemed to be a focal point in the area and mud huts dotted the dry plains. The Shimba religion was prevalent in the area and you could feel the darkness that had set in on the people. We had just got done ministering to the youth and we were resting until the evening crusade with the whole community. As I laid on our stage, which was nothing more that a trailer that converted in to a stage with sound and lighting ran of a generator, a small child caught my attention. I rolled over onto my side and looked closer. He was sitting on the front row by himself as some of his friends played nearby with other team members. "Nah, I am having a dream. This can be real," I thought to myself as I sat up watching more carefully. The 4 year old boy was holding a plastic bag just like you would store leftovers in. As I sat there I watched him stick his small frail figure into the plastic, stretching it out until a piece tore off and then hesitate before placing it in his mouth. I watched again as he repeated the process, chewed and swallowed with a painful look on his face.

Without thinking twice I jumped off the stage and grabbed the little boy in my arms and called for our translator to come with me. I took him to our bus and held him in my arms as I feed him a sandwich and gave him a cup of water. As he ate tears weld up in my eyes and started running down my checks. They say real men don't cry, but I say if they have a heart they do. After getting his fill he jumped off my lap and joined his friends playing. I sat there stunned for a moment before getting up and walking into the abandoned little church. I sat down on the edge of an old dusty bench and started processing what just happened. As I did the tears flowed more. While I had seen the hunger of African children before it had not impacted me as much as this encounter did. Where was this little boy going to get his next meal? His next plastic bag? If you don't eat you die and if you eat plastic bags you die. This child was on his death bed.

But there is hope. While we can't save every child from starvation or sickness we want to give it our best shot with what we have. That is love and that is what makes our heart beat. As Project Africa we want to reach out to the starving, the hurting and the dying with the love of Jesus Christ. And when a young person goes with us to Africa and has an experience like this their life will be radically changed. All it takes to change a life is a touch from the Master.

Answering the Call,

Justin Yoder

Friday, March 02, 2007



It's apparant that there are many people who are tired of Church as it is, or "as usual". I have come to discover that the problem is not in the Church itself - that is the structure of Church - but rather the people that make up the church. It has become acceptable for people to just come and go and let the Pastor tell you what you are supposed to believe.

I don't believe that a true belief is something you know about, but rather it is a conviction that you live your life by. Something that you stand up for, something that becomes who you are. This thing - a belief - should be part of the foundation for which you live your life. So then a belief is not something that you buy into because someone presented it really good once, with a catchy title, and a good story.
Belief in God can't be taught, it must be experianced. It must be lived.

So whats my point - here it is:
Religion sucks, it allows people to become logistical, rules based, rude people, who have nothing better to do than argue about things that don't really matter. The problem as I see it, is there is a sincere lack of relationship with God - our Creator. And I don't mean your prayer time, or Bible reading time - but I mean actually spending Time with God, talking to him, and listening to him, like you do with other people.

God is loving, and people would know that if they really knew Him.
God is compassionate, and people would know that if they really knew Him.
God cares for every person, and every need, and people would know that if they really knew Him.
God doesn't want people sick, and people would know that if they really knew Him.

Sometimes I feel that people get all caught up in the how to's and the what for's that religion provides, and they forget that God is a real person. God hurts when we hurt, and He cries when we cry, and He cares for us in such a deep way. The idea is that we as people can live this to a lost and hurting world of people, who are tired of being candy whitnessed to. When you understand the degree of Gods love towards people, you will understand that its not about making people perfect for God - but its about meeting the needs of people for God. We can't make a difference by offering people logistics about God, but we can make a difference by being an expression of God and His love for people.

Jesus left, but when He did, He left with an expectation that we would follow in His footsteps. This means we are to act as He did. We are here to meet the needs of people, be an expression of Jesus Christ on this earth. This can only be done if you honestly know Him, talk to him, open yourself up to feeling what He feels, see the world through Jesus's eyes. If only more people would project sincerity over the "do it my way or go to hell" stuff many people project.

It comes down to this, we will not make a difference in the Church we don't like, until we choose to do it individually. Individuals make up the Church as a whole. Lets stop playing this blame game of who's fault it is that we don't like the current state of the Church or Christianity, and start taking responsibility for our role in it. I can talk about it all day long, you can talk about it all day long, but WE ARE THE CHURCH! Lets do what it takes, so people don't go to Hell.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

What's Love Got To Do With It??

Well another Valentines Day has come and gone for me. Being single its always a fun day. A commercial holiday to remind single people their still single....or is it??? This Valentines Day was the same as every other year. Just a day, but we call it the day of Love. I wanted to share what love is to me -

Friends that are friends forever, just cause they love ya!!!!

Love is a good friend states away sending me flowers, just cause she misses me - LOVE YOU ANG!!!!

Love is my nephew telling me he loves me more than a penguin

Love is my neice curling up in my lap to watch T.V with me

Love is good friends racing me to the fastest go-kart, and racing them like 10 year olds, even though we are all almost 30, and I got the biggest bruises of my adult life!!!

Love is my church sending my neice and nephew Valentines Day cards on Valentines Day

Love is Beth cooking me soup in every style cause she knows I love it!!

Love is a phone call to say I miss you, an email to say hi, a text message to make me laugh

Love is listening to a song that makes you think of someone you love - Natasha Bettingfield will never know how much her song is loved by me and my Gabrielle!!! Martha Manuzzi CD track 3 - memoriesss of my Sean!!! Nickelback - An-G you know it!!!! Goodbye Earl - Carolyn, it will always remind me of the apartment days!!! Goodmorning Beautiful - My Morgan's song from before she was born!!! You are my sonshine - Carter's song!! The list goes get the idea...

I have so much love in my life - yayy Valentines Day!!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Fun around the house

Heres a little glimps of beth and the kids playing....a day in the life of us at home :O) Click on the link, I promise it is worth it!!!

Monday, January 15, 2007

So I was thinking.....

A thought occured to me, its actually something thats comes up alot. What does it take to be a person who makes a difference? It seems like everyone asks this questions at some point or another. It also seems like when it comes up, generally you get alot of blank stares.

People don't seem to know how to start, or it seems that way. But the truth is, its really not that hard. Find a need and fill a need. If your not looking, your not going to find. If you really take the time to look around you, you will find real people who really need help. Not just a hand out, but honest, sincere, help. In every city across this nation, and every nation, people have needs. So what does it take to make a difference?

Looking for the need around you, and opting to fill it. If each of us would take the time to find the needs around us, and fill the needs around us, it wouldn't be such a gigantic task.

I have been approached recently a few times by people who say, I just want to minister to people. I know I should, but I don't know what to do, or how to start. The question is, where are you looking? Are people really looking for ministry.....or are they looking for a title, position, pulpit etc.? Real ministry is never seen by a large group of people. Real ministry is finding someone who needs help, and helping them. Real ministry has no glory, applauds, or cheers except for the ones coming from heaven.

Its time to start being honest with ourselves, and realize it is not a special gifting in the body of Christ for people to evangelize, voulenteer, help, or whatever you want to call it. We are all called the same as ambassidors of Christ. We all were given the same great comission. We are all equipt to make a difference.

So what is the difference between someone who does make a difference and someone who does not make a difference? CHOICE.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Iced in and Bored

This is what happens when your iced in. Heres a few pictures of the house and the ice outside. It looks like snow, but it is a 3 to 4 inch layer of ice pellets. Soo what do you do when your iced in??????

You dig out the playdough and dig into your creative side. I made a pink playdough man. So heres a few pic's of me and the kids playing.