Monday, January 15, 2007

So I was thinking.....

A thought occured to me, its actually something thats comes up alot. What does it take to be a person who makes a difference? It seems like everyone asks this questions at some point or another. It also seems like when it comes up, generally you get alot of blank stares.

People don't seem to know how to start, or it seems that way. But the truth is, its really not that hard. Find a need and fill a need. If your not looking, your not going to find. If you really take the time to look around you, you will find real people who really need help. Not just a hand out, but honest, sincere, help. In every city across this nation, and every nation, people have needs. So what does it take to make a difference?

Looking for the need around you, and opting to fill it. If each of us would take the time to find the needs around us, and fill the needs around us, it wouldn't be such a gigantic task.

I have been approached recently a few times by people who say, I just want to minister to people. I know I should, but I don't know what to do, or how to start. The question is, where are you looking? Are people really looking for ministry.....or are they looking for a title, position, pulpit etc.? Real ministry is never seen by a large group of people. Real ministry is finding someone who needs help, and helping them. Real ministry has no glory, applauds, or cheers except for the ones coming from heaven.

Its time to start being honest with ourselves, and realize it is not a special gifting in the body of Christ for people to evangelize, voulenteer, help, or whatever you want to call it. We are all called the same as ambassidors of Christ. We all were given the same great comission. We are all equipt to make a difference.

So what is the difference between someone who does make a difference and someone who does not make a difference? CHOICE.

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