Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Journey Begins......

Well, today my blog journey begins. It was probably about 2 months ago now that I even knew what a blog was and now look at me - got my own blog. I suppose it all comes down to this : we all have something to say. Not everyone cares what each of us has to say so hence the blog was created as a means to jot down the things we all think but no one will take the time listen to.
Just today I have been thinking about how busy the world has become. We seldom have time to even enjoy what's all around us. Time seems to be the one thing we all take for granted. I find myself so busy that I forget the important things in life. Important things like a smile. Some times the simplest things in life can mean the most. I have heard it said that looking someone in the eyes and sincerely smiling at them is a lost art. I believe that to be a very true statement. Just the simple kindness of smiling sincerely at someone can really make someone's day. A few weeks back I did a simple test - I guess it could be considered scientific as I started with the hypothesis that if I would look someone in the eye and smile at them that they would as a natural response smile back. I tested this on each of my co-workers individually. I am pleased to inform you that my hypothesis was correct, everyone that I smiled at was compelled to smile back. So as a simple conclusion a simple smile is contagious.
So I guess to conclude my blog for today I leave you with a simple quote: "May each of us today bring a smile to our face and compel a smile on another's"

1 comment:

Angie Mack said...

I'm smiling just thinking about your smile!

You know who.... :-)