Wednesday, October 26, 2005

A Brand New Day....

I have heard it said, "Today is the first day of the rest of your life". Its true you know, today brings with it new ideas, new people, new situations. I guess sometimes we hear things like that and let it go on by with out even a second thought. We don't even take a second to process what's going on around us. So I guess I'm going to reflect now on my day..... Today I was met with cyber-litter. You may not know what this is so I can explain. Have you ever gone out to your car to find a flyer promising you the latest and greatest get rich at home scheme, or blowout sale. You know the one pressed up against the glass that you didn't know was there until you have comfortably situated yourself into your seat, put on your seatbelt, and are putting the car in gear. You only then notice that it is right in your line of sight and must get out and remove it before you can move on. This is car litter. Cyber-litter is the same concept only in your email inbox awaiting your review. Its an email with an official title that seems like it must be important to be opened until you open it to see that its junk mail and there is no opt out available. Much like the car flyer you cannot request them to stop it is just forced at you and you must just accept that it will never end. Now you may think the reason for me bringing this up is simply to complain about unwanted emails however this not the case at all. My ulterior motive is to see if I can get the phrase " Cyber-litter" out there :O). So today I leave you with a new thought - Cyber-litter its the wave of the future!!

1 comment:

Angie Mack said...

You MUST use spell check before you post....i.e. Ulterior Movite is not really anything....unless you're trying to coin that phrase as well!!!

Just Kidding!

I hate CyberLitter as well....see I used it in a sentence! :-)