Friday, October 28, 2005

For What?

I have a recurring thought that is in the back of my mind every day. Who's responsible? I guess its the driving force for my life really. Everyone deals with the question- what is life really about? Why are we here? I will never forget the day the question was presented to me that changed my life......A simple question really, just two small words....FOR WHAT?
I was in Bible school and the teacher asked this question. It really made me think. He said - why do you love God? I remember thinking a really spiritual answer- Because He first loved me like the Bible says, and He responded- For What?. I thought for a moment - Well because He saved me - He responded - For What? I was really thrown off now, and responded Bbbecause He didn't want me to go to hell - He calmly responded- For What? I began to realize all my conclusions seemed to be missing something. I thought for a long time and the all the while the conclusion should have been so simple. Why are we here, what’s our purpose, what’s the meaning of life, why did Jesus die for us? One simple reason- People. God is interested in people. For what? Why did Jesus die for me, and why am I here - for people. Jesus died on the cross for each individual life- you, me, and them. My reason my "For What" if you will - My personal responsibility is the reach the ones around me that God has entrusted me with. Your personal responsibility is to reach the people around you that God has entrusted you with. If we all do our part no one would life this life not knowing the goodness of the love of God.
I want to leave you today with a scripture that is one of my favorites: Luke 4:18-19 - " The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poor (people), He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted (people), To proclaim liberty to the captive (people), and recovery of sight to the blind (people), and to set at liberty to those who are oppressed (people), To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord (to People)!

1 comment:

Angie Mack said...

Rod needs to leave Melissa Land alone!

It's awesome that you have a passion for people, if we all could have that same focus, there's no telling how the world would be....definitely a lot better....probably like heaven!