Tuesday, January 22, 2008

God Must Be Busy.............

Okay so I been brewing on this for a little while. I know its been forever since I blogged, and maybe noone will read this, but this ones for me to get it out.

Theres this new song I have heard on the radio. Its country, so don't hold it against me heres the words:

That anchor man says the fight began somewhere in the Middle East.
The world prays for peace.
There's a single mom just got laid off when she lost a job
to some foreign hands in some faraway land.

Last night in Oklahoma some twister took thirteen
and they're praying that they find the missing three.
God must be busy.
That highway sign went from slow ahead to traffic's dead.
Thought it couldn't get worse than that Amber Alert.

They say she's 4,Colorado plates, headed out-of-statein a Chevy van.
It's hard to understand. You can see it in the faces
of all those highway strangers,they're praying that God
keeps that girl from danger.
God must be busy.

And I know in the big picture I'm just a speck of sand and
God's got better things to do than look out for one man.
I know he's heard my prayers cause he hears everything,
he just ain't answered back or he'd bring you back to me. God must be busy.

Okay so here it is - this is how people feel about God. Its very sad because this means that the representations of God have allowed people to buy into this. We as Christians are allowing God to take the bum rap for our lazyness!

I'm not great with words, but I have this deep sadness right now realizing that this is true. This is what people think. People think God is too busy to help them, too busy to hear them, too busy to care for them. The real problem, is Gods people are too busy to help them, too busy to hear them, and too busy to care for them.

I might take a little flack for saying this, but sometimes I don't want to be called a "Christian". It has such a negative meaning to most people. I just want to be Melissa - that girl thats not like most people. Shes normal, but when I need something, she always seems to care, to be touchable, and things seem to change. This seems like a good representation of God to me. Jesus didn't walk around having to preface His title, He just was who He was supposed to be. He acted like His father, He WAS a represenation of God to the world......and I guarantee noone walked away saying - Jesus must be busy

Think about it

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