Friday, October 20, 2006

Ode to Anonymous...

To all of the anonymous supporters of my blog, I would like to say thank you!! You anonymous readers are the reason I blog, and I love you!!!

This poem is for you:

Anonymous, anonymous you make my day,
Anonymous, anonymous hip hip hoorayy

Seattle is nice, Seattle is grand,
I love art school hippy's that play in a band

Busy creating with wood and pegs,
That doesn't give reason to not shave your legs

Snarky, warky, parky, and fliss,
All are words that do not exist

Anonymous, anonymous bless you when you sneeze,
Anonymous, anonymous I think you like cheese?????

Anonymous, anonymous you make my day,
Anonymous, anonymous hip hip hoorayy

I hope that you enjoy this post as much as I have. Remember to show love to your fellow brother or sister today, because you can never show to much love.


Anonymous said...

hey melissa,

thanx for reminding me to shave my legs. its been a while.
thanx for the poem. i liked it. thats why i read yur blog cause i think yur a nice girl and very smart. i can learn things from u.


shefrog77 said...

Thanks Sean!!!

If I could encourage one person in their personal hygiene, it was all worth while!!!


shefrog77 said...

Since I am on this poetry kick, I have been inspired to write another one to Anonymous, since you seem to be a vigilant fan...

I call this one:

Ode to a Hater

Hater Hater, its almost Halloween and I've saved you a now or later.

Response, Response I keep getting,
But it is your name that is missing

Nice, Nice can't you play nice,
Please don't make me say it twice

All is fair in love or war; I hope I'm not getting to your very core.

This is my blog, my personal space

Debate, debate I can do, but not with thin air like you like to do

Come one, come all do not be afraid, at Melissaland there is no shame