Friday, September 29, 2006

End of the Spear

Mincayani (Louie Leonardo) is born into the most violent society ever documented by anthropologists, the Waodani in the eastern rainforest of Ecuador. As he grows he learns what every Waodani understands, he must spear and live or be speared and die. Mincayani's world changes when he and his family kill five missionaries, Nate Saint (Chad Allen), Jim Elliot (Sean McGowan), Ed McCully (Stephen Caudill), Pete Fleming (Matt Lutz) and Roger Youderian (Patrick Zeller). This incident propels Mincayani's family group down an extraordinary path that culminates in them not only departing from violence, but also caring for the enemy tribe they had once violently raided.

I had the honor of seeing this film last night. I wanted to share this with you all. If you have not watched this film - you must see it. It depicts missionarys paving the way of the gospel through their death so that many would come to God.

There are many things that are specifically done in this movie to make a point. These men cared about this tribe of people who were killing each other. Not just because of the endless deaths, but deaths with out knowing about a Savior.

In one part Nate Saints son asks him - " Dad if they try to kill you will you shoot them?" he responds something like " Son I can't kill them, they don't know about heaven". This was a man who really lived by a passion for the Gospel. I know we can all learn from a passion like that. The movie showes that in their death the Waodani saw more than just men dyeing that day. They were given a chance to see God. This changed the whole future of the Waodani.

If you have not seen this movie, this is a must see.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


This next entry is dedicated to my friend who is a missionary to Haiti - Grace and her husband Troy. This was an entry of a letter she wrote to me recently. Her eloquent writing could not express the true heart of a missionary any better:

"I spent yesterday floating on a gorgeous tropical beach on the Caribbean Ocean. The water was warm, the sky was a crazy shade of blue, the clouds were white and puffy. When I got hungry a table was brought out for me to sit at right on the beach and for $50.00 Haitian dollars which is only around $7.00 U.S. a fabulous meal of Lobster and fried bananas was served. Not one large dry lobster, but three or four smaller, juicy, succulent lobsters a piece. It was paradise.

That is what you remind yourself you were just doing when you are bathing in a bucket of less than perfect water or going to the bathroom on top of someone else’s stuff. Then you tell yourself that it is all meaningless, good and bad, compared to being there just after the bus full of people crashes and you are able to speed people to the hospital because you were at the right place at the right time and you have enough money to pay for the doctoring!

The hand reached out in prayer, the heart reaching out to God. The good, the bad and the ugly can’t compare in severity or worth, because eternity is what really matters and all this other stuff is just experience on the way to really living. God always makes up for the dead rat parts the cat brings in and leaves for you to find on the kitchen floor with your morning coffee (if there is electricity for the coffee to be made) with a fabulous day at the beach or the waterfall.
He knows how to take care of you. Trust him, and don’t allow yourself to major on the minors because there is so much to miss if you do that. That is what I have learned since I’ve been here. I hope you find it useful. It is universal information, and seems to be easily translated right out of this world and back into that one.

This all boils down to everyday living. This Zoe life isn’t something we put on because it’s time to minister as if its something we don at certain times. Its all day every day in the least of these my moments of living. All the principles apply, all translate. The fruit of the spirit are for every moment grand and mundane alike. We should be exercising them at all times with all people no exceptions for familiarity or anything else. Put on your armor and battle like you must, but realize that it is for every day living as much as it is for ministry and nothing will be able to stop you. "

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Okay so a lot of things have happened the last few weeks. I am not really sure what to write about, but I feel the need to write something for my adoring fans.

Life is the thing I have been thinking about lately. I recently had to attend a funeral for a guy that I knew growing up. We weren’t close, but I do know the family pretty well. This was the "mean" one growing up. It is weird how adulthood can change your perspective. This guy over all was a nice guy, but had a reputation to be nasty when he felt if was needed. He has 2 beautiful kids who really loved their dad. So, I can't tell you what happened, accidental overdose was the latest known cause.

Its a really awful thing to be a part of a funeral for a 31 year old guy with 2 children who really have no idea their dads not coming home. I was asked to sing for his funeral. I sang, " I can only Imagine" by Mercy Me. Its a song to imagine what it would be like to meet Jesus, how one might respond...but at 31...I can't imagine. Although we weren’t close, I can say it still impacted me. It was sad.

I came home to watch Steve Irwin's funeral. I know, I don't know him but I really think that’s sad too. He was such a captivating person. I watched his wife holding back her tears the best she could, as his friends and family said goodbye. There was a large zoo filled with people, grieving for him. I couldn't help but wonder if he knew God. I really have no way of knowing. I never had the chance to ask either one of these people, yet I am faced with the thought.
Life is short, and precious. We have a little time, no one knows how much to make a difference. This week reminds me of that in a big way.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Life is a highway....I'm gonna ride it

For all you interested people out there, reading my blog. I really think there might just be like 1 or 2 of you. Thats okay, the size of the audience makes no difference to me. I'll blog anyway just for you.

So I am heading out on Saturday. I'll be making a stop to meet up with Marc on Sunday in Alabama. I have not seen my family in Alabama in awhile. After that it is smooth sailing to OOOOOOOOklahoma. Tulsa that is, swimming pools and movie stars.....oh wait thats California. Anyway, thats my update.