Friday, November 03, 2006


I have recently been reading a book by Mike Francen. This is a man who has a passion for the unreached souls of the world. He has been in over 50 nations of the world doing crusades and has started a program called "Wells of Life" - a program where he funds the building of a well in a community that has no water and builds a church so people may hear about the love of God.

The book is called "A Passion for Souls", and it has inspired me so much, I wanted to share an exerpt with you all:

"About 1 million people in the world die each week without Christ. Does this mean anything to you? Have we a pain in our heart for perishing men and women? Are you haunted day and night with the thought that millions are perishing on every side, that multitudes are going down to the regions of despair, without one ray of hope?

When a man has been endued with power from on high, he will have a passion for souls. Boast no more of your annointing if you love not souls.

The burden for souls- how it has charectorized God's annointed ones throughout the centuries! We must be persuaded that apart from the salvation of souls, the church has no grounds for her existence.

Where is your heart man or woman of God? Preachers who should be fishing for men are to often fishing for compliments from men. Where is your heart?

According to Christ, we have one mission: to save souls. Yet they perish! Think of them- hundreds of millions, one thousand million eternal souls that need Christ!

It is the passion of Paul,"Woe is me if I preach not the Gospel." It is the anguished cry of Jesus as He weeps over a doomed city," O Jerusalem, how oft would I have gathered thee." Evangelism is the cry of Knox,"Give me Scotland or I die", and of Wesley," The world is my parish." Evangelism is Henry Martyn landing on the shores of India and crying," Here let me burn out for God!" It is David Brainerd coughing up the blood of his tubercular lungs as he prays in the snow for the Indians. It is George Whitefield crossing the Atlantic thirteen times in a small boat to preach in the American Colonies.

Our goal is nothing less than the penetration of the whole world with the Gospel message. Gods will is summed up in one powerful scripture: " The Lord is not willing that any should perish" (2 Peter 3:9)"

This is the heart of a passionate soul winner. I can aspire to nothing less! It is in my heart to do my part. I have to be Melissa to this world, and give the message of the Gospel. I have heard it said - we are responsible for our generation, and I believe that to be true. I am responsible for the ones God places in front of me. We are all responsible as ambassidors of Jesus Christ to tell His message to all. This is the purpose of the Church. Without this purpose the Church has no reason to exist. This is what makes our message so different than other religions. Salvation and eternal life, hope and peace, no need to big, and a God that backs up his message EVERY time!!